Consider the social process and social reaction theories discussed and think about your own conformity and/or deviant behavior. Do any of the theories resonate with you?
In most aspects of life, I am very much a conformist. Especially when it comes to my behavior I am very conscious of what other people think of me and how I am viewed by society. I think the area where I deviate most from society is probably my appearance. I have dyed hair, piercings, and the way I dress isn’t always what is expected of a 20-year-old woman. However, the culture and society that we have in America allows for these slight deviations to sometimes be considered acceptable or normal. I have learned through others, as well as my own experiences, what is “favorable” and “unfavorable” when it comes to how I act under the law. I have witnessed my mother being pulled over for speeding so I know that it is unfavorable in the eyes of the law, however I now speed when I drive because it was so normalized by my family as I was socially developing. On the other hand, I have not continued the “cycle of violence” that is seen in differential association. Even though I have experiences that could allow the potential for this cycle to begin, I would rather use my knowledge to end the cycle rather than continue it.
I find social control theories interesting because I agree with it in some ways but not others. I often act differently when I don’t think anyone is watching however I am not doing things that would be considered criminal or harmful to society. I do think that what stops me from committing certain crimes is the fear of punishment though. For example, I think that our current economic system is extremely flawed and that these huge corporations raising the price of their products purely for self gain are the evil ones. That is why I don’t morally think it’s unethical to steal from these large corporations. However, the threat of being caught and punished stops me from ever acting on this belief. This also connects with the social bond theory because I don’t want to disappoint the people I love.
I also fear having a label placed on me by society. This is probably my biggest deterrent. With the label of criminal, it would make it more difficult to get a job or buy a house or even make friends. My family may become ashamed of me and treat me differently. I also may fall back into criminal activity if I couldn’t get a decent job because of my label. Although the only crimes I’ve ever committed were very minor, the idea that I could have been labeled by society because of them is something I am terrified of. I am lucky to have not been labeled because many others do not have the same experience.
Overall, my actions are very controlled by society and how I will be perceived. I have not really been surrounded by crime in my environment growing up so I was socially taught to obey the law. Mostly though, my values around crime were learned through observing others and my personal experiences. I am unsure of how I would act without the fear of punishment because I have always followed the rules of my parents, society, and the law. Any deviations were very small and received no punishment. The social process and social reaction theories do resonate with me, moreso the social reaction theories.