Project 1 Reflection:

I think that overall this project was pretty helpful because I was able to learn more about a specific major, specifically the English major. I had no problem writing about why I chose the English major to research, and no problem researching required courses for the major. When it came to the interviews, I was more nervous. It wasn’t too nerve wracking to reach out to Professor Frank because I knew that she was an English professor and I was able to ask her in person if I could interview her rather than over email. My interview with Professor Frank went a lot longer than I thought it would, almost 40 minutes in fact. Learning about her experiences with the English major was super interesting though, and I am glad that I got the opportunity to sit down and talk with her one on one like that. What made me more nervous were the student interviews. Even though the class I was in had English majors in it, I wasn’t sure which students exactly were English majors so I was nervous to ask. I have a hard time starting conversations with people in my classes, so unless someone else starts a conversation I usually don’t get to know people in my classes. This made it more difficult to reach out to another student for help with this project. I did kind of procrastinate until the last minute but I was able to ask two students if I could interview them for the project and they happily agreed. It was also nice to get to talk to actual students in the English major, upperclassmen in particular, and see what their experiences were like. I think my least favorite part of the project was my presentation, only because I get really anxious when people’s attention is focused on me so I feel like I didn’t do very well on my presentation because I was nervous. Overall though, I liked seeing other students’ presentations because I got to learn more about other majors than just the one I researched.