The purpose of art is to expand our understanding of the diversity in our society. Art allows so much room for the artist to express themselves as well as groups of people, particularly those who are marginalized. Rajan expresses his belief that “Those who make art — good art — have a responsibility to advance individuals and communities who have been historically marginalized and underrepresented by amplifying their stories, by building a culture that reflects their true reality or, perhaps most powerfully, by giving them a platform to speak for themselves” (Rajan). Rajan believes that giving artists the opportunity to be political is incredibly important and proves beneficial to the kind of work they produce and the effect it has on society. By making art that is political, artists are changing the way in which we see and experience the world. Creating more diversity in art is something that can be not only done by creating new art, but by amending historical pieces of art. One artist who has used this method is Titus Kaphar, who creates new renditions of historical paintings that aim to highlight marginalized people in these works of art. Kaphar explains that “I want to make paintings, I want to make sculptures that are honest, that wrestle with the struggles of our past but speak to the diversity and the advances of our present. And we can’t do that by taking an eraser and getting rid of stuff” (11:14). He doesn’t want to erase the history of these old paintings, but rather create something new with them to amend their meanings and highlight those who have long been brushed aside. What Kaphar is doing is political art, and I believe Rajan would consider him a “good artist” by doing so. Both Rajan and Kaphar emphasize the importance of magnifying the voices of those less heard and trying to bring about more diversity in our society through art. By creating paintings, music, films, etc. that highlight marginalized groups, it will provide more opportunity for understanding of this diversity and how integral it is to our society.